Boobs Ahoy!

Guess what?  You’re probably wearing the wrong size bra.  In fact up to 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra.  This is the equivalent of three quarters of women in the UK.

The question is – why do we think wearing the wrong size bra is ok?  We don’t wear the wrong size shoes, or jeans… so why do we always get it wrong when it comes to supporting our breasts?  Is it because no one can see them? Is it ignorance?  Lack of confidence?  Or just not having the time?  Let’s face it – getting your breasts fitted with kids in tow is not something that I would rush to do.

Like so many women – I too was wearing the wrong size bra.

I realised this when I was shooting for Bravissimo.  The stylist asked me what size I was, I confidently replied ’36c’.  I tried on the 36C proud that it felt okay and did the job, but the stylist cocked her head and said ‘No’.  She whipped if off me and pulled out a 32E.  It fitted like a glove.

Bras are not meant to move when they are on – they are not meant to dig in, or create a double boob look – and back rolls can also be helped by wearing the right size.

I teamed up with Bravissimo and held an event with a bunch of gorgeous Mum’s who hadn’t had their bra fitted since they were pregnant.  There were 20 of us, and 19 of them were wearing the wrong size!  Some went up a few cup sizes, some realised they had a smaller back, and others were just thrilled to buy a new bra that actually stayed in place, and did a great job of supporting your breasts!

There are health issues that go hand in hand with not wearing the correct size bra too…

  • Headaches
  • Backache
  • Bad posture
  • Neck ache
  • Chaffing
  • Feeling unsexy (not a health issue but you never know!)

Ask yourself this – when was the last time you got yourself measured or treated yourself to a new one?  Feeling good starts from underneath the T shirt you’re wearing – and I can guarantee your clothes will look so much better when your breasts are supported.  Make it a priority to get fitted if you feel your breasts have changed in size since the last time you got them measured.

Make sure you call in advance to book in an appointment and enjoy this time to yourself to do something for you for once.  Your breasts deserve it!


See you  next week!

Louise xx


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