Wake Up Fabulous!

Last week was mental – I shot a TV commercial during half term which involved jumping on a trampoline with Lorraine Kelly. Yup. Juggling kids over half term wasn’t easy (it never is) but shooting 15 hour days was particularly tough. Even though I was sleeping in my own bed at night, I didn’t see my kids for 3 days apart from when I watched them sleeping before I left to go to work and when I got home. It was the most peaceful parenting I’ve ever done!

The late nights and early mornings were incredibly daunting, especially when you have to arrive on set with zero make up. Yikes!

Models aren’t allowed to be tired – whereas it’s a mother’s God given right to be tired.

As a model, it’s very much frowned upon to express how tired we are to clients.   And I totally get it – they’re investing in me to project their fantasies onto – and I have to deliver the goods.   Ok this sounds a little blunt, but as a model we are hired to be ‘things’.  On set we are not real people.

We don’t fart, poo, need sleep or have cellulite. Sure.

Luckily over the years of pretending not to be tired, I’ve learnt some awesome natural model tips to overcome fatigue and looking fresh (that doesn’t cost much at all).  Defeating tiredness is an inside job – no matter how much make up you can apply.  These tips are also used before the school run when I’ve had a distinctly rough night with my 18 month old sleep regressed, teething, separation anxiety toddler (and my husband snores ffs).

So here are my top 5 –

1. Before you go to bed, take two spoons and put them in the freezer. The next morning apply them to your eyes for 30 seconds – yes it will be unbearably cold, but go with it and see your puffy eyes de-puff and give you a wake up buzz.

2. Also before you go to bed, cut an unpeeled potato into thin slices and soak in water overnight. In the morning, pinch your nose and down the juice. This is a natural tonic bursting with potassium and a great booster for tiredness.

3. Another natural tonic – fresh lemon in hot water. The smell of a freshly sliced lemon alone will perk you up instantly, and the hydration will set your day up for success!

4. Drink your weight in water.  Then drink some more and continue to do so throughout the day.

5. Plug in your earphones and crank up your favourites upbeat songs –  never underestimate the power of music.  If you can – dance around too in private.  I am notoriously known for doing this in my close circle of friends.  Not only does it put you in a good mood, it’s a little cardio – a great remedy for fatigue.

6. Drink a strong coffee!! Who am I kidding, yes I am all one for being natural and organic (hence the above top 5) but I could not survive without a good posh coffee.  None of this instant coffee crap, or even worse – decaf!?  I’m talking strong, rich, smooth coffee – with froth.  Mmmm.

7.  Mind over matter.  Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool – more than you possibly know.  If you think you can do something you can.  After an exhausting day of filming on the trampoline, I had to go to a photoshoot (we started at 8pm) – and I was beyond tired… I was shaking I was that tired.  But I knew I had to deliver the goods by jumping in heels (on a trampoline) whilst pretending not to be tired.

 Sounds silly, but in these situations I always think of my kids telling me I can do it.  And they’re right.

As soon as the photographer hollers ‘That’s a wrap’ – I am allowed to be tired …

Try these tomorrow morning and let me know how you get on.  They seem too simple to work, but they have never let me down.

Louise x







  1. 23rd February 2017 / 10:58 pm

    At least when you get asked ‘what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever had to do on a job?’ you can pull that one from the archives! Thanks for the tips. I haven’t tried the potato one but desperate times call for desperate measures…

    • 27th February 2017 / 11:47 am

      Try it babes. Works wonders. Did it this morning xx

  2. Wendy brooks
    5th March 2017 / 3:53 pm

    AWSOME information that made me laugh and smile inside. I’m
    Definitely trying the spoons. Well done mamma?

  3. 6th March 2017 / 10:15 am

    Amazing post! Yes models aren’t allowed to look or feel tired. These tips are amazing. I need to do the hot water and lemon each day. Don’t think I’m ready for the potato potassium boost yet!

  4. Sarah
    14th April 2017 / 5:13 am

    Love the spoon technique. Awesome tip!! The power of dance is incredible right. Man I love to dance…. And loving your advert, you look so fresh! Such a pretty dress on you! Xx

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