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For Your Eyes Only…

I don’t know about you, but these Easter holidays are doing me in!  And it got me thinking… Has covering dark circles under your eyes starting…

A ‘Round Tuit’

  How many times have you asked if someone has done something – and they’ve automatically replied with a very common expression;  “I haven’t got…

Bathroom Cabinet Peeping Tom’s

  Question – Why do people feel the need to open other people’s bathroom cabinets? Are we trying to find a secret clue to a…

How To Look Good In Photos

Are you sick of looking shit in photos?  Do you look at yourself and think ‘FFS I look like a haggard mum’?  Are you full…

Wake Up Fabulous!

Last week was mental – I shot a TV commercial during half term which involved jumping on a trampoline with Lorraine Kelly. Yup. Juggling kids…

The Sexiest Flirt Tactic

In case you’ve had your head buried in the sand, you’ll know it’s Valentines day on Tuesday. This blog post is about the sexiest gift…